Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Smoked Haddock

I love fish, and don't really buy enough of it unless it's that breaded stuff you chuck in the oven, but today I treated myself to some fresh from the fishmonger because I finished my Christmas shopping. There are lots of ways of cooking smoked haddock, but I decided to pan fry it, largely due to a lack of tin foil in my house.

Well, this is both obvious and vague.
Obviously - smoked haddock. I asked the fishmonger for a medium-ish piece, which he laughed at, but I got. I got dyed smoked haddock, but mainly just because I think it looks nicer, so you can get undyed. The fishmonger should be cheaper than a supermarket, the piece I got could easily have served two, and cost £2.20.
Vague - a drizzle of oil (I used vegetable, but olive is better), some parsley, oregano, black pepper and lemon juice. Also, whatever you'd like to serve your fish with, I had new potatoes and sweetcorn.

1. I put my potatoes on to boil in some salted water, but that part depends on what you're having with your fish.
2. Drizzle olive oil over the fish, along with approx. a teaspoon each of oregano and parsley (dried - fresh is probably better, but I imagine it's also more expensive) and a pinch of black pepper. Then wrap in tin foil, or something similar, I used the greaseproofy stuff my fish came in, and leave for a while to allow the flavours to soak in.

3. About 8 minutes (bit specific, I know) before your side's going to be ready, heat some oil in a pan. Once it's really hot, place the fish on it skin side down, and leave for 4 minutes. Then flip, and cook for around 2 minutes, although this depends on the thickness of your fillet. The fish should appear opaque when cooked.

4. When you plate your fish, a good touch is to drizzle some lemon juice over it while it's still really hot from the pan. I mixed my new potatoes and sweetcorn with a little butter and parsley before serving.

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